More linky goodness. Also, I'd like to thank David Trasbo and Maxim Chernyak for picking up my post on my experiences with the Rails Bugmash. Thanks for the link-love guys!
- Case Study: Continuous deployment makes releases non-events — A developer shares his experiences with continuous deployment. Perhaps a bit aggressive for my blood, but it's a very interesting technique.
- A successful Git branching model — A fantastic write-up on using git effectively. Plus it has pretty pictures! I know how much you love pretty pictures.
- The Real Reason Outsourcing Continues To Fail — I hope to not run into the issue of outsourcing at all, but I'm more well-prepared now if I do.
- Active Record Query Interface 3.0 — @lifo details the exciting new finder methods for Rails 3. Super impressive stuff.
- Realism in UI Design — I'm fascinated by principles of design right now. @lkm shines light on a subtle but interesting point.