Getting Started with Clojure: Out of the Playpen

Clojure Assembla's Getting Started page has some great details on getting the ball rolling with Clojure. Unfortunately, the momentum doesn't carry far. Here are some tips on getting past the pain points I felt when exploring past the playpen.

Getting out of the REPL

The Clojure REPL is a fantastic place to explore the language, and should always be your defacto testing ground for new ideas. However, once you've accumulated a few defn's, you'll want start moving toward building source files. Unfortunately, the command line to load a source file into a REPL is pretty hairy:

[source language="bash"]

java -cp "/path/to/clojure.jar:/path/to/clojure-contrib.jar" clojure.main "/path/to/my_file.clj"


Managing Dependencies

-1. clj script

0. Leiningen

1. project.clj

2. Clojars

3. Swank + Slime

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